Tuesday, 20 December 2011

More no-drinking areas for Nottinghamshire?

Alcohol-related crime is a problem, not just in Nottinghamshire, but across the country. It can have a really detrimental impact on quality of life and feelings of safety as well as costing society financially in terms of health care and police resources.

Thanks to relatively recent legislation, police and partner agencies now have additional powers at their fingertips, including new byelaws, which can be used to drive alcohol crime off city streets and relieve pressure on the emergency services – the police and health services in particular.

In Nottinghamshire we shouldn’t be afraid to unleash the full power of these tools and should come down hard on the retailers and licensees who persistently exacerbate the problem by selling alcohol irresponsibly whether it is selling alcohol at 7am, serving to someone under age or continuing to sell drink to someone who is already intoxicated.

A holistic approach is needed which should not only see police patrols maximised to offer greater protection to partygoers and students but also greater recognition from licensees and retailers about the damage their alcohol sales are bringing on their community.”

Police Authority members want to see further work carried out on the problem in an effort to identify proactive opportunities to reduce the number of victims. They would like to see the introduction of more no drinking areas within key areas of the city and towns; more police officer and PCSO patrols at hotspots at key times; and tougher action on off licences and licensed premises which sell alcohol recklessly to those already intoxicated or under age.

If you agree that this is a good idea, then please email us at npa@nottinghamshire.pnn.police.uk

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